A Vision for our future...
For generations, this building has been a goal for our church - a place to grow – a place where youth gather and families come together – a place where our community can find a home.

Our prayer is that this building will be whatever God wills it to be. Its every purpose may not be fully known as we embark on this undertaking, but one thing is for certain…God is moving and we’re ready to answer His call.

Please prayerfully consider giving to our Building Fund via the button below:

Give to the Building
March 5, 2025 - New Parking Area
Barrier down, Gravel delivered

We are creating the new parking area. The dirt has been moved, barrier is being laid, and gravel is being dropped and graded. This will create a space for all the equipment and supplies to be stored as our footers go in later this month (depending on weather). 

September 18, 2024 - OFFICIALLY MOVING DIRT...

Because God is Moving! The physical labor begins as a result of much prayer and planning over many decades of faithful believers. Let's keep giving this project to God.
Sunday, September 1, 2024

We've officially launched our giving campaign for the next phase of our project. With the initial funds, we can construct the shell of the building. We are now working to raise funds in order to rough in the electric, HVAC and plumbing. 

Click Here to Give to the Building Campaign


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Our church membership voted to break ground on our New Family Life Center. We voted to move forward with building the foundation and the shell of the building with the funds we already have saved through decades of faithful giving. Given the current interest rates and loan conditions, we determined it was in the best interest of our church to build as we raise funds and to utilize the sweat equity - the talents of those in the church - to help complete the building.